Texas Travel Survey
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Texas Travel Survey

TxDOT conducts travel surveys in urban areas across the state to obtain information about local travel patterns and needs. These surveys help TxDOT and their local partners make decisions about transportation projects that impact all of us. Data collection firms are contracted by TxDOT to conduct these surveys via the web, on smartphone apps, or in person at places of work, such as retailers, service providers, industrial facilities, and educational establishments.

Informational video

Active surveys

Disclaimer: By clicking on any of the active survey links, you are now leaving TxDOT's site to a third-party data collection site. Any rewards offered on such a site are the sole responsibility of the third-party data collection contractor. TxDOT is not affiliated with any reward programs and is not responsibile for the distribution of any such rewards.

El Paso

TxDOT and the El Paso MPO are conducting a household travel survey in the region. TxDOT has contracted with ETC Institute to administer these household surveys under their "American Travel Survey" brand.

Take El Paso survey


TxDOT and the Midland-Odessa Area Council are conducting a household travel survey in the region. TxDOT has contracted with ETC Institute to administer these household surveys under their "American Travel Survey" brand.

Take Midland-Odessa survey

Bryan-College Station

TxDOT and the Bryan College Station MPO are conducting a household travel survey. TxDOT has contracted with RSG to administer these household surveys under their "Texas Travel Survey" brand.

Take Bryan-College Station survey

Frequently asked questions

The information you provide will be used for planning, maintaining, and improving our regional and state transportation system. This includes infrastructure such as freeways, highways, streets, sidewalks, and bike lanes, as well as services such as transit.


For household surveys, TxDOT collects information about household size, income range, number of vehicles, and most importantly travel trip data during a weekday for a 24 hour period during the school year. Establishments collect data about entry and exit of customers and vehicles into a facility during the workday. They also have intercept surveys performed on staff and visitors which ask quick questions about their travel to and from the facility.

No, we will not sell your data.


TxDOT and its partners are the sole users of your data. Your data is kept confidential and immediately stripped of personal information, becoming anonymized.