Loop 9 - Segment A: US 67 to IH 35E - Dallas/Ellis Counties
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Loop 9 - Segment A: US 67 to IH 35E - Dallas/Ellis Counties

Project description

The proposed Loop 9 project includes construction of a six-lane new location frontage road system between US 67 and IH 35E through Dallas and Ellis counties, Texas. The approximately 9.4-miles system would pass through the communities of Cedar Hill, Midlothian, Ovilla, Glenn Heights, and Red Oak. The proposed project right of way would include a median that would accommodate future construction of an ultimate access-controlled mainlane facility. Construction of the ultimate access-controlled mainlane roadway would be based on projected traffic and funding and would require additional environmental analysis prior to construction.

The new location Loop 9 frontage road system would include an eastbound and westbound frontage road, each consisting of three 12-foot lanes, an eight-foot inside shoulder, and an eight-foot outside shoulder for bicycle accommodations within the rural section of the proposed roadway. The proposed project ROW would include a median that would accommodate the future construction of an ultimate access-controlled mainlane roadway.

The proposed Loop 9 project would likely be constructed in three phases based on traffic needs and project funding. A logical sequence for construction of the new location frontage road system could be as follows:

  • Phase 1 would construct a single two-lane, two-way frontage road, and would also acquire the proposed right of way to accommodate all six-lane frontage road system and the future ultimate access-controlled mainlane roadway. This phase would also include restriping of the US 67 intersection to accommodate the new Loop 9 frontage road turning movements.
  • As traffic warrants and funding becomes available, Phase 2 would involve the construction of the three-lane frontage road in each direction, which would include the conversion of the two-way frontage road built in Phase 1 to a one-way operation, and the construction of grade separations at specific high-volume intersections.
  • Phase 3 would involve the construction of the ultimate access-controlled mainlane facility in both directions. Construction of the ultimate access-controlled mainlane facility would be based on projected traffic and funding and would require additional environmental analysis prior to construction.

Purpose and need

The project is needed to address trans­portation demand resulting from population and economic growth in the region, system linkages, and connectivity among the existing roadways. It would provide a direct link from US 67 to IH 35E, serving residents and businesses in the area. The purpose of the proposed project is to develop a facility that would help address the regional growth, transportation demand and system linkage within the study area by increasing capacity, mobility and accessibility; efficiently linking suburban communities and major roadways; and accommodating population growth.

Public involvement

Effective public involvement provides opportunities for the public to provide input into TxDOT’s decision-making processes. Initially, public scoping meetings were held in July 2019 to provide the public with preliminary information about the project and to ask for feedback, including the identification of environmental constraints and/or issues that need to be addressed during the environmental analysis. In February 2020, a public meeting was held to present an additional alternative (Alternative 4) and provide status of the proposed project.

Anticipated timeline


Aug. 8, 2019 Loop 9, Segment A project agency scoping meeting materials

Related links

For project history, including the Corridor Feasibility Study and prior public involvement, please click here.

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal Environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a memorandum of understanding (MOU) dated December 9, 2019, and executed by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and TxDOT.