Virtual Public Hearing and Draft Environmental Assessment Available for Public Review - Southeast Connector Project
The virtual public hearing will be posted on Thursday, June 4, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. and will be available through Monday, June 22, 2020. All comments must be received on or before Monday, June 22, 2020.
The purpose of the virtual public hearing is to present the proposed reconstruction and widening of I-20, I-820 and US 287 including the three major interchanges in southeast Tarrant County, Texas. Materials will consist of a video presentation explaining the proposed project, which includes both audio and video components, along with other exhibits and materials for review. Formal comments may be provided by mail, email, or voicemail as described in the notice.
Along I-20, from Forest Hill Drive to the I-820/I‑20 interchange, proposed improvements would reconstruct and widen the existing four to five main lanes in each direction to six main lanes in each direction. The project would also reconstruct the two to three-lane frontage roads to include two to four new continuous frontage road lanes in each direction. Between I‑820 and US 287, five main lanes in each direction, four‑lane collector-distributor roads and new two to four-lane frontage roads in each direction would be constructed. From the I-20/US 287 Interchange to Park Springs Boulevard, improvements would include reconstruction and widening to five main lanes in each direction, reconstruction of existing frontage roads from two to four lanes each direction and construction of new frontage roads between Green Oaks Boulevard and Kelly Elliot Road.
Improvements to I-820 would include reconstruction and widening from two to four main lanes in each direction to seven main lanes in each direction between I-20 and US 287. From US 287 to Meadowbrook Drive, improvements would include reconstructing and widening the existing two to four main lanes to four main lanes in each direction, with auxiliary lanes between entrance and exit ramps. Additionally, the current frontage roads along I-820 would be reconstructed and widened to two to four lanes in each direction. The main lanes of US 287 would be reconstructed and widened from two to three main lanes in each direction to three main lanes in each direction with auxiliary lanes between entrance and exit ramps. The frontage road lanes within this section would be reconstructed to two to three lanes in each direction.
Bicycle or pedestrian accommodations including shared-use paths and sidewalks along frontage roads and at cross-street intersections would be included. Separate bike lanes and sidewalks are proposed at cross streets when shared use paths are not provided.
The proposed project would, subject to final design considerations, require additional right of way and potentially displace 23 residences and 19 non-residential structures. Relocation assistance is available for displaced persons and businesses.
Special Accommodation:
TxDOT makes every reasonable effort to accommodate the needs of the public. The open house will be in English. If you have a special communication accommodation or need for an interpreter, a request can be made. If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can also be made to accommodate most needs. Please call (817) 370‑6807 at least two working days prior to the hearing. Please be aware that advance notice is requested as some accommodations may require time for TxDOT to arrange.
Memorandum of Understanding:
The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated Dec. 9, 2019, and executed by the Federal Highway Administration and TxDOT.
- Notice
- Notice(Español)
- FactSheet
- FactSheet (Español)
- PresentationSlides
- PresentationSlides (Español)
- PresentationScript
- PresentationScript (Español)
- PresentationScript Plain Text
- PresentationScript Plain Text (Español))
- Exhibit- No-Build Option
- Exhibit- Noise Barriers
- Exhibit- Proposed Facility
- ProjectLocation Map
- ProjectLocation Map (Español)
Draft Environmental Assessment Documents
- DraftEnvironmental Assessment
- AppendixA: Project Location Map
- AppendixB: Project Area Photographs
- AppendixC: Schematics
- AppendixD: Typical Sections
- AppendixE: Plan and Program Excerpts
- AppendixF: Resource Map
- AppendixG: Resource Agency Coordination
- AppendixH: Public Meeting Comment Matrix
Environmental Technical Report Documents
- BiologicalEvaluation Form
- BiologicalTier 1 Site Assessment Form
- BiologicalEvaluation Form and Tier 1 Site Assessment Form Supporting Documents
- CommunityImpacts Assessment Technical Report
- HazardousMaterials Project Impact Evaluation
- HazardousMaterials Initial Site Assessment
- InducedGrowth Analysis
- Historical Resources Survey Report
- IntensiveHistorical Resources Survey Report
- TrafficNoise Technical Report
- COTraffic Air Quality Analysis
- QuantitativeMobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT) Technical Report
Historical Resources
- HistoricalResources Report
- AppendixA: Inventory of Surveyed Properties
- AppendixB: Survey Forms from Included Surveyed Properties
- AppendixC: Figures
- AppendixD: Historic Aerials
- AppendixE: Schematics
- AppendixF: Consulting Party Comments
- AppendixG: Project Area Photographs
- AppendixH: Survey Forms for Removed Properties
- Roll1 - I-20 from Forest Hill Drive to west of BUS 287 (Mansfield Highway)
- Roll2 - I-20 from west of BUS 287 (Mansfield Highway) to US 287
- Roll3 - I-20 from Little Road to Park Springs Boulevard
- Roll4 - I-820 from north of I-20 to E. Berry Street
- Roll5 - I-820 from E. Berry Street to Spur 303 (E. Rosedale Street)
- Roll6 - I-820 from Spur 303 (E. Rosedale Street) to Brentwood Stair Road
- Roll7 - US 287 from Bishop Street to north of I-820
- Roll8 - US 287 from south of I-20 to Sublett Road
- ProposedI-20 at Anglin Drive Visualization
- ProposedI-20 at I-820 Visualization
- ProposedI-20 at US 287 Visualization
- ProposedI-820 at Craig Street Visualization
- ProposedI-820 at Meadowbrook Drive Visualization
- ProposedI-820 at Rosedale Street Visualization
- ProposedI-820 at US 287 Visualization
3D Videos
Aerial Exhibits
- I-20from Anglin Drive to Bowman Springs Road
- I-20from Bowman Springs Road to Little Road
- I-20from Forest Hill Drive to BUS 287
- I-20from Little Road to Park Springs Boulevard
- I-820from I-20 to US 287
- I-820from Meadowbrook Drive to Brentwood Stair Road
- I-820from Ramey Avenue to Craig Street
- I-820from US 287 to E. Berry Street
- US287 from Bishop Wichita Street to Wilhelm Street
- US287 from Bowman Springs Road to Little Road
- US287 from I-820 to I-20
- US287 from Little Road to Sublett Road
- US287 from Wilhelm Street to Martin Street
Right of Way Documents
TxDOT Fort Worth District Office
2501 SW Loop 820
Fort Worth, TX, 76133
(817) 370‑6500
Posted: May 15, 2020