Right of Way and Utilities
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Right of Way and Utilities

Project development process

The acquisition of right of way or other property and utility relocation located near or on property impacted by a transportation project requires close coordination between the state, cities, counties, and other forms of local government.

Projects that meet any of the criteria below are required to coordinate closely with TxDOT:

  • Located on the state or national highway system.
  • Involves an intersection between a local road and the state highway system.
  • Includes state or federal funding program requirements.

Right of way acquisition and utility relocation issues must be identified in the early phases of a transportation project. The local government must follow the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 if any federal funds are used on any phase of the project. This law applies even if the local government is providing all funds for land acquisition, but is receiving federal funds for any part of engineering design or construction.

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