Title VI/Nondiscrimination Program
Civil Rights programs
What is Title VI?
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and activities of any entity that receives federal assistance. Other related regulations prohibit discrimination based on sex, age, and disability.
Discrimination is an action or inaction, intentional or not, through which any beneficiary, solely because of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability has been otherwise subjected to unequal treatment or impacts.
For more information on our roles, responsibilities, and procedures to ensure compliance with Title VI, review our FY 2025 Title VI/Nondiscrimination Plan.
- Denying program services, financial aid, or other benefits.
- Providing different services, financial aid, other benefits, or providing them in a manner different from that provided to others.
- Segregating or treating individuals or groups differently in any matter related to the receipt of any service, financial aid, or other benefits.
- Denying an individual or group the opportunity to participate as a member of a planning, advisory or similar body.
- Any other method or criteria of administering a program that has the effect of treating or affecting individuals or groups in a discriminatory manner.
- Intimidating, threatening, coercing or discriminating against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title VI, or because the individual has made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing.
Title VI complaints
Any person who believes that he or she, individually, or as a member of any specific class has been subject to discrimination may file a complaint. A complaint may also be filed by a representative on behalf of such a person or group.
Title VI complaints must be filed within 180 days of the date of the alleged act of discrimination. Complaints must include the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged discrimination. Complaints can be submitted to TxDOT’s Civil Rights Division by completing the External Discrimination Complaint Form. Please note that the complaint form requires detailed information, including signatures.
Upon receipt and review of the complaint form, TxDOT will determine which agency has jurisdiction to handle the complaint. If TxDOT does not have jurisdiction, the complaint will be routed to the appropriate agency for investigation. Agencies will request documents and information from the complainant, schedule interviews with relevant parties, and conduct site visits as necessary. If TxDOT does have jurisdiction, the complaint will be investigated, and an attempt will be made to determine the proper course of action.
Complaints can be submitted by email or by mail to:
Texas Department of Transportation
ATTN: Civil Rights Division
125 E. 11th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Limited English Proficiency
- TxDOT's Language Assistance Plan
- iSpeak Poster: Available language translations
- Department of Justice Limited English Proficiency
- Limited English Proficiency Executive Order 13166