Environmental Compliance Toolkits
Date | Title | Description | Format |
02/25 |
Environmental Guide: Volume 1 Process | Explains how to use TxDOT’s Environmental Compliance Oversight System (ECOS) to environmentally approve transportation projects | Environmental Guide: Volume 1 Process |
02/25 | Environmental Guide: Volume 2 Activity Instructions | Contains individual instructions for completing each of the Activities, Reviews, and Coordinations generated in ECOS that may be required to environmentally approve a given transportation project | Environmental Guide: Volume 2 Activity Instructions |
In addition, the individual toolkits listed below contain forms, templates, and technical guidance that may be needed to complete activities generated in the Environmental Compliance Oversight System (ECOS).
We welcome feedback to help improve the toolkits. Email us with comments.
- Air quality
- Archeological sites and cemeteries
- Chapter 26, parks and wildlife code
- Community impacts assessment
- Generic environmental report template
- Hazardous materials
- Historic resources
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and project development
- Natural resources
- Public involvement
- Right-of-entry for environmental investigations
- Section 4(f), U.S. Department of Transportation Act
- Section 6(f), Land and Water Conservation Fund Act
- Traffic noise