Community Impacts Assessment Toolkit
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, and the Uniform Relocation Assistance and the Real Property Acquisitions Policies Act (Uniform Act) govern TxDOT policy for conducting a thorough and defensible community impact assessment (CIA). Environmental practitioners can use the following resources and references to conduct a CIA compliant with TxDOT policy, and to assess potential impacts to the human environment.
Questions? Contact the Environmental Affairs Division community impacts specialists at 512-839-3449 or 956-502-3012.
Title | Date | Description |
Community Impact Assessment Technical Report Form | 02/25 | Used to complete the "Perform Community Impacts Assessment (CIA)" Activity in ECOS |
Instructions - How to Conduct Community Impacts Assessments | 03/25 | Outlines the steps necessary to identify and address the community impacts of TxDOT transportation projects |
Form - Appendix A - Detailed Economic Analysis | 02/25 | Used to prepare a Detailed Economic Analysis to be included as Appendix A in the Community Impact Assessment Technical Report Form |
Title | Description |
FHWA Title VI Toolkit | FHWA Civil Rights Program page for Title VI includes basic factsheets, data collection methods, and best practices |
AASHTO Practitioner's Handbook: Utilizing Community Advisory Committees for NEPA Studies | Explains how and when practitioners should use a Community Advisory Committee to assist with the NEPA decision making process |
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Part 771 Environmental Impact and Related Procedures | Prescribes the policies and procedures of FHWA and other transportation agencies for implementing National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 as amended |
Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Part 24: Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs | Promulgates rules to implement the Uniform Act of 1970 and ensures owners of real property proposed for acquisition for federal and federally assisted projects are treated fairly, consistently and equitably so displaced persons will not suffer disproportionate injuries caused by projects designed for the benefit of the public |
Title | Description |
Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited Proficient Persons | Department of Justice guidance to assist recipients of federal funding comply with the executive order on protecting persons with limited English proficiency |
USDOT's LEP Guidance Website | Describes USDOT responsibilities regarding EO 13166 and is modeled after the DOJ guidance |
Policy Guidance Concerning Recipients’ Responsibilities to Limited English Proficient Persons | Provides guidance for compliance with the LEP executive order, which largely mirrors the DOJ guidance, and explains how to specifically address LEP transportation projects |
Limited English Proficiency Program and the Federal-Aid Highway Program | Focuses principally on the obligation of federal departments and agencies extending federal financial assistance to clarify the long-standing legal obligation on the part of recipients of such assistance to address the language needs of their otherwise-eligible LEP beneficiaries and is used as part of the FHWA Title VI training program |
TxDOT Title VI/Nondiscrimination Program | Web page for TxDOT’s Title VI Program of the Civil Rights Division, which includes a Language Assistance Plan that is updated annually to assist the Districts, Divisions, and Offices in their efforts to ensure information and services are accessible to LEP individuals by providing guidance on translation, interpretation, and outreach services seeking access to TxDOT programs. |
TxDOT Stategic Public Engagement Guidance | Initiative that supports the agency's public involvement policy, and includes a guidance document that supports project teams across the state in engaging all members of the public. |