Public Hearing - SH 249 Toll in Grimes County
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Public Hearing - SH 249 Toll in Grimes County

Where: Navasota Junior High School
9038 State Highway 90 South
Navasota, TX 77868
When: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Open House: 5:30 p.m. (Cafeteria)
Hearing: 6:30 p.m. (Gym)
Purpose: The purpose of the public hearing is to present the proposed preliminary design for the construction of SH 249 from FM 1774 to SH 105 in Grimes County and to receive public comment.
Description: The proposed project includes:
  • Constructing a two-lane roadway with shoulders and a passing lane in alternating directions that would accommodate future widening to a four-lane divided roadway. The typical right-of-way width would be 400 - 450 feet.
  • The proposed two-lane roadway will be tolled. In addition, two-lane, one-way, non-tolled frontage roads would be constructed along approximately five miles of the proposed project (from Urbanosky Lane to west of County Road [CR] 304).
  • Depending on the final alternative, approximately 623 - 658 acres of new right of way would be required. No displacements would be required.
  • The project would travel across the 100-year floodplains associated with Mill Creek and a tributary of Beason Creek. The project would also cross numerous creeks and streams; however, no wetlands have been identified within the new right of way.
  • The proposed construction is intended to improve safety, reduce existing and future traffic congestion, improve transportation system linkage and provide an emergency evacuation route.
  • TxDOT is presenting two alignment alternatives for the area between CR 304 and CR 306 (noted in yellow and green) for public input to assist in the final alternative selection. This final selection will be based on current research, input received during the comment period and any additional information gained from the June 30, 2016 public hearing.
Comments must be received or postmarked on or before Thursday, July 14, 2016, to be included in the official hearing record. Spanish interpretation will be provided at the meeting (habrá interpretación español).

For more information about this project, please see the SH 249 project webpage.

Downloads: Detailed Schematics
Contact: TxDOT Bryan District
Director of Transportation Planning and Development
Attn: SH 249 – Grimes
2591 N. Earl Rudder Freeway
Bryan, TX 77803

Phone: (979) 778-2165
Fax: (979) 778-9702

Updated Sept. 9, 2016.