Public Hearing - SH 174
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Public Hearing - SH 174

Where: Burleson City Hall
141 West Renfro Street
Burleson, TX 76028

When: Tuesday, September 27, 2011
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. come and go

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) invites the public to an open house meeting on September 27 to offer an opportunity to discuss proposed improvements on SH 174 from IH 35W to FM 731.

The proposed project consists of removing and replacing the aging roadway surface and improving safety by constructing a raised center median with turn lanes in place of the two way continuous left turn lane. These improvements will begin at the BNSF Railroad bridge just southwest of IH 35W and end at Elk Drive. Roadway surface Improvements of milling, overlay, and striping would continue from Elk Drive to FM 731.

This project is being pursued in partnership with the City of Burleson, who recently passed a resolution in support of the work. Landscaping and irrigation are planned along the medians.
Maps, drawings, and other information about the project will be on display. Project personnel will be available to answer questions and written comments will also be accepted.


Holly Hughes
Public Information Officer
(817) 370-6744
Email us